Thursday, January 27, 2011


The last time I weighed myself, I weight 112 pounds. I fasted for a week, and then sorta fell off the wagon. Recently I've been eating almost whatever I want, when I want. Oh and let's not forget the cruise where Kola and I ate every two hors... So I should be gaining weight, right? Well that's what I thought, but I just finished eating and weighed myself. The scale said 109.


One hundred nine pounds.


This is destructive, I know. I should not care about how much I weigh. But I'm really inspired right now. If only I can make it to 99... That's only ten pounds... I won't die from ten pounds. Does it really matter? (I'm actually asking. I want someone's opinion.)

So if any of you could give me an answer, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. u r perfect seth.
    u always tell me im not fat or dont need to loose weight nd fyi II Weigh 112.
