Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Fairytale

I want the fairytale ending... My way. I want a big kitchen with an island. I can picture myself standing behind the countertop in a messy green apron, hands caked in a floury mixture. I roll the mixture out into something recognizable and raise an eyebrow. Something is definately not right. I have a husband, three kids, two puppies, and a cat, so my house should never be this quiet. My hair goes up in a no-nonsense bun as I wash my hands and head toward the family room. As I cross the threshold I'm greeted by a loud, "SURPRISE!" I'm shocked and in disbelief. I'm not so busy that I've forgotten my birthday. Mothers' Day perhaps? Nope, I haven't lost it. But I have a wonderful family and this surprise is just because. Just because I love surprises. There's laughter and hugging, and loud, obnoixious, dramatically overdone kisses--the best kind. Those are my surprises, and I could not ask for anything greater. I adore my husband, I love my kids, I cherish my pets. I love my life.

This is my fairytale. Simple, I know. No knights in shining necessary. Just love. <3

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